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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

I.door1 S1 W1 /dɔː $ dɔːr/ BrE AmE noun [countable]
[Language: Old English; Origin: duru 'door' and dor 'gate']

1. the large flat piece of wood, glass etc that you move when you go into or out of a building, room, vehicle etc, or when you open a cupboard ⇨ gate:
Could you open the door for me?
The door flew open and Ruth stormed in.
Don’t forget to lock the garage door. ⇨ ↑fire door, ↑French doors, ↑revolving door(1), ↑sliding door, ↑stage door, ↑swing door, ↑trapdoor
2. the space made by an open door SYN doorway
in/out (of)/through the door
Rick turned and ran out of the door.
I glanced through the open door.
3. at the door if someone is at the door, they are waiting for you to open the door of a building so they can come inside:
There’s somebody at the front door.
4. out of doors outside SYN outdoors:
I prefer working out of doors.
5. show/see somebody to the door to take someone to the main way out of a building:
My secretary will show you to the door.
6. two/three etc doors away/down/up used to say how many houses or buildings there are between your house, office etc and another building
two/three etc doors away/down/up from
Patrick lived two doors away from me.
7. (from) door to door
a) especially British English from one place to another:
How long is the journey, door to door?
b) going to each house in a street or area to sell something, collect money, or ask for votes:
Joe sold vacuum cleaners door to door for years. ⇨ ↑door-to-door
8. be on the door to work at the entrance to a theatre, club etc, collecting tickets
9. shut/close the door on something to make something impossible:
The accident shut the door on her ballet career.
at death’s door at ↑death(7), ⇨ behind closed doors at ↑closed(5), ⇨ get in through the back door at ↑back door(2), ⇨ lay something at sb’s door at ↑lay2(19), ⇨ ↑next door, ⇨ open doors (for somebody) at ↑open2(16), ⇨ ↑open-door policy, ⇨ open the door to something at ↑open2(16), ⇨ show somebody the door at ↑show1(20)
• • •
open/close/shut the door I opened the door and Dad was standing there. | Can you close the door as you go out?
slam/bang the door (=shut it loudly, usually because you are angry) He strode from the room, slamming the door behind him.
answer the door (=open it for someone who has knocked or pressed the bell) Lucy ran downstairs to answer the door.
a door leads somewhere (=used to say what place is on the other side of a door) This door leads into the garden.
a door opens/closes/shuts We were still waiting for the train doors to open.
a door slams/bangs (shut) (=shuts loudly) I heard the front door slam.
a door flies/bursts open (=opens very suddenly and quickly) Then the door burst open and two men with guns came in.
a door swings open/shut (=moves forward to open or backwards to shut) The door swung shut behind me.
a door slides open/shut (=moves smoothly to the side or back again) The lift doors slid open and we got in.
lock/unlock the door I locked the door and turned out the lights.
bolt the door (=slide a metal bar across to fasten it) Once inside, he bolted the door.
knock on/at the door (=hit it with your hand to make someone open it) Who's that knocking at the door?
bang/hammer on the door (=hit it very loudly and urgently) A policeman was banging on the door across the road.
tap on/at the door (=hit it very gently) I tapped on the door and opened it.
get the door (=open or close it for someone) Could you get the door for me?
the front/back/side door (=of a house) I heard someone knocking at the front door. | Use the back door if your boots are muddy.
the main door (=the door into a building that most people use) The main door to the hotel is on Queen Street.
the kitchen/bedroom/bathroom etc door The kitchen door opened and Jake walked in.
the cupboard door British English, the closet door
AmE: Both the cupboard doors were locked.
the fridge/oven door Steam came out as I opened the oven door.
a car door She heard a car door slamming.
the passenger door (=for the person in a car who sits beside the driver) The taxi driver was holding open the passenger door.
a rear door (=a door at the back of a vehicle) The kids opened the rear doors and climbed in.
door + NOUN
a door handle (=that you move up or down to open a door) Ella reached for the door handle.
a door knob (=that you turn to open a door) I turned the door knob and went into the room.
a door knocker (=a metal object on a door that you use to knock with) There was a brass door knocker in the shape of a lion's head.
a door bell (=that you press to make it ring) Adam walked up the path and rang the door bell.
a door key She was looking in her bag for her door key.
II.door2 BrE AmE verb [transitive]
to hit someone with a car door when they are riding past on a bicycle:
I nearly got doored as I went past the flats in Camden Street.



You can go in and out through a door.

danh từ
cửa, cửa ra vào (nhà, xe ô tô...)
front door
cửa trước
side door
cửa bên hông
back door
cửa sau
hinged/sliding/revolving doors
cửa có bản lề/cửa kéo/cửa quay
to hammer on the door
đập cửa ầm ầm
to open/shut/close/lock/bolt the door
mở/đóng/khép/khoá/cài then cửa
a four -door sloon car
ô tô du lịch có bốn cửa
phương tiện để có được cái gì hoặc đạt được cái gì; cửa ngõ, con đường
the door to success
con đường dẫn đến thành công
from door to door
từ nhà này sang nhà khác
the journey takes about an hour door to door
cuộc đi thắm mất khoảng một giờ, đi từng nhà một
he went from door to door, selling encyclopaedias
anh ta đi từng nhà bán các bộ bách khoa toàn thư
a door-to-door salesman
người đi từng nhà bán hàng
two, three doors along/away/down
ở cách đây một hai nhà
our other branch is just a few doors down the road
chi nhánh khác của chúng tôi chỉ cách đây vài nhà phía dưới con đường này
at death's door
bên ngưỡng cửa của thần chết, hấp hối, gần chết
to lay the blame at someone's door
đổ lỗi cho ai, quy tội cho ai
the blame for the disaster has been laid firmly at the company's door
công ty dứt khoát phải chịu trách nhiệm về tai hoạ này
to lie at somebody's door
có thể quy cho ai
the fault lies at your door
anh phải chịu trách nhiệm về lỗi đó, lỗi đổ lên đầu anh
to live next door (to somebody/something)
ở ngay sát vách, ở nhà bên cạnh, ở buồng bên cạnh
to go next door to borrow some milk
sang nhà bên cạnh vay ít sữa
they live next door to the library
họ ở bên cạnh thư viện
next door to us there's a couple from USA
sát vách chúng tôi có một cặp vợ chồng từ Mỹ về
next door to
gần như, hầu như
I'm afraid it's next door to impossible that we'll be there on time
tôi e rằng hầu như chúng ta không thể đến đó đúng giờ
such ideas are next door to madness
những ý nghĩ như thế gần như là điên rồ
to be on the door
đứng ở cửa (để thu vé, hướng dẫn...)
out of doors
ở ngoài, không ở nhà; ở ngoài trời
to eat/sleep/walk out of doors
ăn/ngủ/đi dạo ở ngoài trời
to be out of doors
đi ra ngoài, đi chơi vắng không ở nhà
to play out of doors
chơi ở ngoài trời
to show somebody the door
đuổi ai ra khỏi cửa
to show somebody to the door
tiễn ai ra tận cửa
to slam/shut the door in somebody's face
đóng sập cửa lại trước mặt ai, không thèm tiếp ai
to turn somebody out of doors
đuổi ai ra khỏi cửa
with/behind closed doors
họp kín, xử kín
by/through the back door
xem back
within doors
trong nhà; ở nhà
to darken sb's door
bén mảng đến nhà ai
a foot in the door
sự thuận lợi khi bắt đầu làm việc gì
to keep the wolf from the door
vừa đủ tiền để trang trải chứ không dư
to leave the door open
để ngỏ, vẫn còn khả năng thương thuyết
to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted
mất trâu mới lo làm chuồng

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