sus·pect (sə-spĕktʹ)v. sus·pect·ed, sus·pect·ing, sus·pectsv. tr. 1. To surmise to be true or probable; imagine: I suspect they are very disappointed. 2. To have doubts about; distrust: I suspect his motives. 3. To think (a person) guilty without proof: The police suspect her of murder.v. intr. To have suspicion.n. (sŭsʹpĕkt') One who is suspected, especially of having committed a crime.adj. (sŭsʹpĕkt', sə-spĕktʹ) Open to or viewed with suspicion: a suspect policy; suspect motives. [Middle English suspecten, from Old French suspecter, from Latin suspectāre, frequentative of suspicere, to look up at, suspect : su-, sub-, from below; see sub- + specere, to look at; See spek- in Indo-European Roots.]