wash up 
1. wash one's face and hands (Freq. 1) - She freshened up in the bathroom • Syn: lave • Derivationally related forms: lavation (for: lave), washup • Hypernyms: freshen, refresh, refreshen, freshen up • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s 2. carry somewhere (of water or current or waves) - The tide washed up the corpse • Hypernyms: impart, conduct, transmit, convey, carry, channel • Verb Frames: - Something ----s somebody - Something ----s something 3. wash dishes - I cook and my husband washes up after dinner • Syn: do the dishes • Derivationally related forms: washup • Hypernyms: clean, make clean • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s 4. be carried somewhere by water or as if by water - The body washed up on the beach • Hypernyms: appear • Verb Frames: - Something ----s - Something is ----ing PP 5. wear out completely - This kind of work exhausts me - I'm beat - He was all washed up after the exam • Syn: exhaust, beat, tucker, tucker out • Derivationally related forms: exhaustion (for: exhaust) • Hypernyms: tire, wear upon, tire out, wear, weary, weary, wear out, outwear, wear down, fag out, fag, fatigue • Hyponyms: frazzle, play, kill • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s somebody - Something ----s somebody