1. a state of high honor (Freq. 9) - he valued glory above life itself • Syn: glorification • Derivationally related forms: glorify (for: glorification), glorious, glorify • Hypernyms: honor, honour, laurels 2. brilliant radiant beauty (Freq. 6) - the glory of the sunrise • Syn: resplendence, resplendency • Derivationally related forms: resplendent (for: resplendency), resplend (for: resplendency), resplendent (for: resplendence), resplend (for: resplendence), glorious, glorify • Hypernyms: beauty 3. an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint • Syn: aura, aureole, halo, nimbus, gloriole • Hypernyms: light, lightness
rejoice proudly (Freq. 1) • Hypernyms: exuberate, exult, rejoice, triumph, jubilate • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s