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Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary
general anatomy

the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals
Derivationally related forms:
anatomic (for: anatomy), anatomist (for: anatomy), anatomical (for: anatomy), anatomize (for: anatomy), anatomise (for: anatomy)
Members of this Topic:
cancellate, cancellated, cancellous, asternal, distal,
proximal, mesial, mesomorphic, muscular, outer, inner,
intrinsic, ventricose, ventricous, oral, aboral, costate,
navicular, scaphoid, azygous, azygos, inferior, ampullar,
ampullary, astragalar, atrial, axillary, bregmatic, capsular,
chiasmal, chiasmic, chiasmatic, costal, intercostal, cuneiform,
ectopic, fenestral, parietal, iliac, faucal, sympathetic,
distally, laterally, apparatus, groove, vallecula, partition,
septum, fissure, sulcus, hilus, hilum, cingulum,
concha, radicle, tube, tube-shaped structure, fundus, punctum,
meniscus, semilunar cartilage, cavity, bodily cavity, cavum, diaphragm,
midriff, apophysis, lobe, pouch, pocket, joint,
articulation, articulatio, wall, paries, cornu, corona,
corona, tentorium, zone, zona, base,
incisure, incisura
clinical anatomy, applied anatomy, comparative anatomy, developmental anatomy, functional anatomy,
physiological anatomy, morphophysiology, gross anatomy, macroscopic anatomy, microscopic anatomy, neuroanatomy,
osteology, regional anatomy, topographic anatomy, topology

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