1. furniture with drawers for keeping clothes (Freq. 1) • Syn: chest of drawers, chest, bureau • Hypernyms: furniture, piece of furniture, article of furniture • Hyponyms: chiffonier, commode, highboy, tallboy, lowboy • Part Meronyms: drawer, shelf 2. a person who dresses in a particular way - she's an elegant dresser - he's a meticulous dresser • Derivationally related forms: dress • Hypernyms: person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, soul • Hyponyms: chichi 3. a wardrobe assistant for an actor • Syn: actor's assistant • Derivationally related forms: dress • Hypernyms: assistant, helper, help, supporter 4. low table with mirror or mirrors where one sits while dressing or applying makeup • Syn: dressing table, vanity, toilet table • Hypernyms: table 5. a cabinet with shelves • Hypernyms: cabinet