an instance of boastful talk - his brag is worse than his fight - whenever he won we were exposed to his gasconade • Syn: bragging, crow, crowing, vaporing, line-shooting, gasconade • Derivationally related forms: gasconade (for: gasconade), crow (for: crowing), crow (for: crow), braggy • Hypernyms: boast, boasting, self-praise, jactitation
show off (Freq. 2) • Syn: boast, tout, swash, shoot a line, gas, blow, bluster, vaunt, gasconade • Derivationally related forms: gasconade (for: gasconade), vaunter (for: vaunt), vaunt (for: vaunt), bluster (for: bluster), blusterer (for: bluster), bragger, braggart, boast (for: boast), boaster (for: boast) • Hypernyms: overstate, exaggerate, overdraw, hyperbolize, hyperbolise, magnify, amplify • Hyponyms: puff, gloat, triumph, crow • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s - Somebody ----s PP - Somebody ----s that CLAUSE - Somebody ----s to somebody
exceptionally good - a boss hand at carpentry - his brag cornfield • Syn: boss • Similar to: superior • Usage Domain: colloquialism