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Từ điển WordNet v3.1 - WordNet Dictionary

(criminal law) an act punishable by law;
usually considered an evil act (Freq. 1)
- a long record of crimes
crime, offense, criminal offense, criminal offence, offence
Derivationally related forms:
offend (for: offense), criminal (for: crime), criminate (for: crime), incriminate (for: crime), criminalise (for: crime)
criminal law
Members of this Topic:
kidnap, nobble, abduct, snatch, shanghai,
impress, commandeer, hijack, highjack, pirate, skyjack,
carjack, extort, blackmail, scalp, bootleg, run,
black market, foist off, palm off, fob off, push, black marketeer,
pyramid, ransom, redeem, traffic, rustle, lift,
shoplift, hold up, stick up, mug, plagiarize, plagiarise,
crib, bribe, corrupt, buy, grease one's palms, rake off,
buy off, pay off, loot, plunder, smuggle, kick back
transgression, evildoing
barratry, capital offense, cybercrime, felony, forgery,
fraud, Had crime, hijack, highjack, mayhem, misdemeanor,
misdemeanour, infraction, violation, infringement, perpetration, commission,
committal, attack, attempt, Tazir crime, statutory offense, statutory offence,
regulatory offense, regulatory offence, thuggery, treason, high treason, lese majesty,
vice crime, victimless crime, war crime

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