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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

moun·tain [mountain mountains] BrE [ˈmaʊntən] NAmE [ˈmaʊntn] noun
1. a very high hill, often with rocks near the top
a chain/range of mountains
to climb a mountain
We spent a week walking in the mountains.
to enjoy the mountain air/scenery
mountain roads/streams/villages
a mountain rescue team
There is still snow on the mountain tops.
2. ~ of sth (informal)a very large amount or number of sth
a mountain of work
We made mountains of sandwiches.
the problem of Europe's butter mountain (= the large amount of butter that has to be stored because it is not needed)
Idiom:make a mountain out of a molehill

Word Origin:
Middle English: from Old French montaigne, based on Latin mons, mont- ‘mountain’.

mountain noun C
They took three days to climb the mountain.
hill • • peak • • summit • • ridge • • highlands • • foothills • • fell • |especially BrE moor • • moorland
Opp: valley
on a mountain/a hill/a peak/the summit/a ridge/the fells/the moors
in the mountains/hills/highlands/foothills/fells
climb a mountain/hill/peak/ridge/fell

Example Bank:
Between the two towns was 50 miles of mountain country.
Many people come simply to enjoy the fresh mountain air.
Many people come to the resort simply to enjoy the fresh mountain air.
Mountains loom in the distance.
She arranged to meet the others halfway up the mountain.
The earth tremor made the mountains shake.
The enquiry generated a mountain of paperwork.
The invading army could only penetrate the mountain barrier at one point.
The mountains fall to the east to the flat expanse of the plateau.
The mountains here rise to well over 2 000 m.
The school was facing a mountain of debt.
The surrounding mountains make the city difficult to evacuate.
They revealed a solution to reduce Europe's butter mountain.
This type of goat lives high up in the mountains.
Towering mountains surrounded the town.
We crossed the rugged mountain heights.
We enjoy walking in the mountains.
a chain/range of mountains
a large window overlooking the mountains
a mountain-rescue team
a pass through the mountains
the holy mountain of the Lapp community
We spent a week walking in the mountains.
We stopped to enjoy the mountain scenery.
mountain roads/streams/villages

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