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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

label AW [label labels labelled labeled labelling labeling] noun, verb BrE [ˈleɪbl] NAmE [ˈleɪbl]
1. a piece of paper, etc. that is attached to sth and that gives information about it
Syn: tag, Syn:ticket
The washing instructions are on the label.
price/address labels
We tested various supermarkets' own label pasta sauces (= those marked with the name of the shop/store where they are sold).
He'll only wear clothes with a designer label.
2. (disapproving)a word or phrase that is used to describe sb/sth in a way that seems too general, unfair or not correct
I hated the label ‘housewife’.
3. a company that produces and sells music, CDs, etc
the Virgin record label
It's his first release for a major label.

Word Origin:
Middle English (denoting a narrow strip): from Old French, ribbon.

label noun C
The label says it's 100% cotton.
tag • • sticker
a price label/tag/sticker
a name label/tag
have/attach/put on/stick on a label/tag/sticker
The label/tag/sticker says…

tag • sticker
These are all words for a piece of paper, fabric or plastic that is attached to sth and gives information about it.
label • a small piece of paper, fabric or plastic that is attached to sth in order to show what it is or give information about it: The washing instructions are on the label. address labels He'll only wear clothes with a designer label .
tag • (often used in compounds) a small piece of paper, fabric or plastic that is attached to sth, or that sb wears, in order to give information about it/them: Everyone at the conference had to wear a name tag.
label or tag?
Labels in clothes are usually made of fabric and sewn in. Tags on clothes are usually made of cardboard and cut off before you wear the clothes. A name tag can be stuck or tied onto sb to show who they are: All babies in the hospital have name tags tied round their ankles.
Price tag is much more frequent than price label and is used for both literal and figurative meanings: What does the price tag say? There is a £20 million price tag on the team's star player. A label can also be a sticker that you put on an envelope.
sticker • a sticky label with a picture or message on it, that you stick on to sth.
a price label/tag/sticker
to have a label/tag/sticker
to attach/put on/stick on a label/tag/sticker
The label/tag/sticker says…

Example Bank:
Designer labels grew by nearly 4% in 2007.
It doesn't have a price label on it.
One sometimes feels that the label ‘classic’ is applied to any book that is dull.
She stuck labels on all the jars.
The band are hoping to sign with a major label by the end of the year.
The band is hoping to sign with a major label.
The care label says ‘dry-clean only’.
The record was produced under the Virgin label.
What does it say on the label?
Why do we need to attach a label to these feelings?
clothes with a designer label
He was cruelly given the label ‘Mr Zero’ by the Press.
It's his first release for a major label.
This program produces address labels from your database.
We tested various supermarkets' own label pasta sauces.

verb (-ll-, especially US -l-)often passive
1. ~ sth to fix a label on sth or write information on sth
We carefully labelled each item with the contents and the date.
The file was labelled ‘Private’.
2. to describe sb/sth in a particular way, especially unfairly
~ sb/sth (as) sth | ~ sb/sth + noun He was labelled (as) a traitor by his former colleagues.
~ sb/sth + adj. It is unfair to label a small baby as naughty.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
Middle English (denoting a narrow strip): from Old French, ribbon.

label verb T, often passive
Each box was labelled with a code number.
mark • • tag • • flag
label/mark/tag/flag sth with sth
label/mark boxes/bags
label/mark sth clearly/carefully
Label or mark? When you say sth is labelled, you do not need to give more details if the context is clear; when you use mark, you usually say exactly how sth is marked
•The path is marked on the map in red.
• Make sure your luggage is clearly labelled (= with your name and address).

Example Bank:
It would be easy to label the boys as troublemakers.
She had automatically labelled the boys as troublemakers.
She was falsely labelled/labeled a liar.
She was wrongly labelled a liar.
Some of the plants were wrongly labelled.
The samples were all labelled with a date and place of origin.
a pile of small plastic bags, each carefully labelled/labeled.
Every box needs to be labelled before it goes into storage.
Make sure that all your luggage is clearly labelled.


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