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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

em·bryo [embryo embryos] BrE [ˈembriəʊ] NAmE [ˈembrioʊ] noun (pl. em·bryos)
a young animal or plant in the very early stages of development before birth, or before coming out of its egg or seed, especially a human egg in the first eight weeks after ↑fertilization
human embryos
• (figurative)the embryo of an idea
an embryo politician (= one who is not yet very experienced)
Idiom:in embryo

Word Origin:
late Middle English: via late Latin from Greek embruon ‘fetus’, from em- ‘into’ + bruein ‘swell, grow’.

Example Bank:
The couple has produced three embryos for implantation.
Two or three embryos are implanted into the woman's body.
frozen embryos stored at a fertility clinic
the cells of an early embryo
the current debate over cloning human embryos

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