1 describing roads 2 vehicles on roads 3 people on foot 4 repairing and cleaning roads see also TRAVEL, TRANSPORT
1 describing roads - a way between places, with a hard surface, which cars, buses, etc can drive along: road Is this the road for Charlbury? ◎ The government should spend more money on the roads. ◎ road safety ※ big and important roads - a big road which takes a lot of traffic: main road - a main road between towns: road, (AmE highway) a road map of Great Britain - a wide road that is specially built for fast traffic: motorway (AmE freeway, expressway) - a road like a motorway which has a fence or area of grass down the middle to separate the traffic going in different directions: dual carriageway (AmE divided highway) - a road that traffic can use to go round a town instead of through it: bypass; when a road does this, it bypasses a town - a road which is built all round a town: ring road (AmE beltway) - a system of roads: road network ※ where roads meet - a place where roads join or meet: junction; a junction which forms the shape of a T: T-junction - a place where two or more roads cross each other: crossroads; a place where two or more main roads or motorways cross each other: intersection Turn left at the next crossroads. - a circular area where several roads meet; you drive around it until you come to the exit you want: roundabout (AmE traffic circle) - a place where one road joins or leads off from another: turning, turn-off There's a turn-off on the right just after those trees. - when a side road leaves a main road, it branches off - a place where two roads meet: corner Turn right at the corner of Queen Street. ※ the shape of roads - a place where a road turns to the left or to the right: bend, curve, corner; to do this: curve a sharp bend ◎ The road curves to the left/right. ◎ a blind corner (= a bend where it is very difficult to see what is coming) - a very sharp bend in a road: hairpin bend (AmE hairpin curve, hairpin turn) - a road which does not bend in any direction is straight ※ the sides of a road - the inner part or edge of a road which is furthest from the centre: inside; the part nearest the centre: outside A car drove past me on the inside. - the edge of a road: roadside I saw three hitch-hikers waiting by the roadside. - a special place where vehicles can stop on the roadside: lay-by (AmE rest stop) ※ motorways - one of the two sides of a motorway or dual carriageway on which vehicles travel in one direction: carriageway; part of a carriageway for one line of traffic: lane the northbound carriageway ◎ a six-lane motorway - a lane for slow traffic: slow lane, inside lane; for fast traffic: fast lane, outside lane - a narrow strip of road at the side of a motorway where cars are allowed to stop in an emergency: (BrE) hard shoulder - a fence on a motorway, etc that keeps vehicles apart: crash barrier - an area of land between two carriageways on a motorway, etc: (central) reservation (AmE median) - a road that leads onto or off a motorway: slip road, (especially AmE) access road - a place where you can drive onto or off a motorway: junction We have to turn off at junction 16. - a type of bridge that carries one road over another: flyover (AmE overpass) ※ small roads - a way across a piece of land that is made or used by people walking: path, footpath - a path or rough road: track - a narrow road in the country: lane, alley - a road which leads from a main road and is less important or busy: side road, minor road ※ roads in towns - a road in a town, etc that has shops, houses, etc on one or both sides: street - the main street of a town, especially as a name: high street (AmE main street) - a narrow or less important street that usually joins a main road: side street - a wide street, especially one with trees or tall buildings on each side: avenue - a narrow street between buildings: lane - a street that is closed at one end: cul-de-sac; if a street does not continue any further, you reach a dead end - a street along which cars can only travel in one direction: one-way street - a private road or path that leads to a house: drive, driveway - a path at the side of a road that is for people to walk on: pavement (AmE sidewalk) - a line of stones that form the edge of a pavement where it joins the road: kerb, (especially AmE) curb - a channel between the road and the pavement that carries away rainwater: gutter - a raised area in the middle of the road that you can stand on when you are crossing: (traffic) island (AmE safety zone) ※ bridges, etc - a structure that carries a road across a river, valley, road, railway, etc: bridge - a bridge where people who are on foot can cross a road: footbridge - a passage under the ground, under the sea, etc: tunnel The road went through a tunnel under the mountains. - a road that goes under another road, railway, etc: underpass - a place where a railway line crosses a road: level crossing (AmE grade crossing) - a shallow place in a river where cars can drive through: ford; to use a ford: ford sth ※ more on bridges BRIDGE ※ the surface of a road - the thick, black, sticky material from petroleum that is used on the surface of roads: tar (noun U), tarmac (noun U) - special rounded stones that cover the surface of (old) streets: cobbles, cobblestones; a street that is covered with cobblestones is cobbled - a piece of stone used for a path or pavement: paving stone - a road that is difficult to drive on because it is wet, icy, etc is slippery - ice on the road that is very slippery and black in colour: black ice (noun U) - a road that has a lot of raised parts in it is bumpy; a raised part in a road: bump a bumpy track ◎ We hit a bump. - a hole in the surface of a road: pothole - a road that is flat, with no bumps, is smooth - if a road is blocked and you cannot travel on it, it is impassable The heavy snow has made the roads impassable. ※ lights and road signs - a sign that tells drivers where to go, what to do, what not to do, etc: road sign, traffic sign - a sign with two or three coloured lights used for controlling traffic at road junctions: traffic lights (noun plural) (AmE stoplight) - a sign at the roadside that gives information about directions and distances to towns, etc: signpost Did you see the signpost for Bristol? - the lights on a street: street lights - a tall pole with a light on top, often placed on a pavement: lamp-post - a special spot in the road that shines in a car's headlights at night: (BrE) catseye - painted marks on the road surface that show drivers where to go, etc: road markings
2 vehicles on roads - to go somewhere in a car: drive* - a person who is driving a car or other vehicle: driver; a person who drives a car: motorist - the money that you have to pay to drive on some roads or bridges: toll ※ more on driving DRIVE - all the cars, lorries, buses, bicycles, etc using the roads: traffic (noun U) heavy traffic ◎ I'm not driving to town today; I can't face all that traffic. ◎ traffic police (= policemen and women who control the traffic) - a road where there is a lot of traffic is busy; opposite: quiet - a road with so many vehicles that cars are stopped or are moving slowly is congested; noun (U): congestion the problem of traffic congestion - if there is no congestion, the road is clear It was Sunday and the roads were fairly clear. - to stop and leave a car, lorry, etc somewhere for some time: park (sth); the action of doing this: parking (noun U) - a person whose job is to check that cars are not parked in the wrong place: traffic warden - a barrier put across the road by the police or the army to stop traffic: roadblock - to stop traffic from coming down a road: block sth off, close sth
3 people on foot - to go somewhere without using a vehicle: go* on foot - a person who is walking in the street: pedestrian - to go from one side of a road to another on foot: cross the road Please be careful crossing the road! - a place where pedestrians can cross the road: (pedestrian) crossing, zebra crossing, pelican crossing (AmE crosswalk) - a man/woman whose job is to help schoolchildren to cross roads: lollipop man/woman
4 repairing and cleaning roads - the work of building or repairing roads; the place where a road is being repaired: roadworks (noun plural) Sorry I'm late. I was held up by the roadworks on the M25. - a plastic, (usually orange and white) pointed object that marks off an area where there are roadworks: cone - a vehicle that clears snow off roads: snowplough (AmE snowplow) - small pieces of stone that are put on the road in icy weather: grit; to put grit on the road: grit the road - a person whose job is to clean roads: road cleaner, road sweeper