Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary
see also BODY - a piece of flesh inside the body which is used to produce movement: muscle (noun C/U); adjective: muscular This exercise will help to strengthen the muscles in your stomach. ◎ muscular pain - a part that joins a muscle to a bone: tendon - when a muscle becomes smaller and tighter, it contracts, tightens (up); to cause this to happen: contract sth, tighten sth; noun (U): contraction - when a muscle becomes very stiff and tight, because for example you are frightened or about to run fast, it tenses; to cause this to happen: tense sth Tense your neck muscles. - when you cause a muscle to become less tight, you relax it; the muscle relaxes; noun (U): relaxation - when you bend or move a muscle, you flex it He took off his T-shirt and flexed his muscles. - to damage a muscle by using too much force: pull sth, strain sth I tried to move the cupboard by myself and pulled a muscle in my back. - a sudden pain in a muscle that makes it difficult to move: cramp (noun U) The sea was very cold and I got cramp in my foot. - a sudden tightening of a muscle that you cannot control: spasm - a sudden, violent and uncontrollable movement of the muscles: convulsion (often plural) to have convulsions - a person or a part of the body that has strong muscles is muscular a muscular body - muscles which are solid and hard are firm; opposite: flabby firm stomach muscles - a programme of exercises to make your muscles bigger and stronger: body-building (noun U); a person who does this: bodybuilder ※ taking exercise EXERCISE
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