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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

1 objects
2 people and animals
power and influence over people
strength of character PERSONALITY
strong feelings EMOTION

1 objects
- not easily broken or damaged: strong, tough; nouns (U): strength, toughness
Is this ladder strong enough to hold my weight? a material chosen for its strength tough fabric/shoes
- in good condition and not likely to collapse: solid, (more formal) sound
of solid construction Is the structure sound?
- to become stronger: strengthen; to make sth stronger: strengthen sth
to strengthen a wall
- to strengthen or support sth: reinforce sth; noun: reinforcement (noun U)
The walls were made with reinforced concrete. The joints need reinforcement or they will soon begin to weaken.
- not strong; likely to break: weak; noun (U): weakness
The branch was weaker than I thought and it broke under my weight.
- not made strongly and therefore easily broken or torn: flimsy
a flimsy bag/cover
- delicate and easily damaged or broken: fragile
a fragile ornament
- to become weaker: weaken; to make sth weaker: weaken sth
The water has weakened the sides of the canal.
※—† not likely to change or move
- likely to last a long time: durable, (especially clothing) hard-wearing; noun (U): durability
made of particularly durable materials a durable product hard-wearing man-made fibres
- not easily damaged or affected by sth: resistant (to sth); noun (U): resistance (to sth)
plants resistant to frost heat-resistant a high level of resistance to corrosion
- strong and steady and not likely to change or move: firm (adverb firmly), secure (adverb securely)
He had a firm grip on her shoulder. to place your feet firmly on the ground a secure foothold We tied the rope securely around the tree.

2 people and animals
- physically able to lift, carry or push heavy things easily; not easily attacked or hurt: strong; noun (U): strength
I'm not strong enough to carry both suitcases. strong hands/arms physical strength I didn't have the strength to fight any more.
- not made weak by cold, painful or difficult conditions: tough; noun (U): toughness
You have to be tough to survive in this climate.
- having large and strong muscles: muscular
a muscular body
- having the strength to do a lot of things in your life: energetic; noun (U): energy
an energetic businessman I don't know where she gets all her energy from!
- strong or energetic: vigorous
- long-lasting physical or mental energy: stamina (noun U)
She can run fast, but she hasn't the stamina to run long distances.
※ having a strong, healthy body BODY
- not being strong or not having energy: weak (adverb weakly); noun (U): weakness
to feel weak to be weak with hunger The weakness in her hands spread into her arms. to smile weakly
- to cause sb to become weak: weaken sb
The illness weakened her terribly.
- having no strength or energy: feeble
a feeble cry a feeble old man
- not firm, but moving or shaking: unsteady
an unsteady hand to be unsteady on your feet
- weak and not very healthy: frail
a frail old woman
- weak, unhealthy and often ill: sickly
a sickly child
- a weak person or animal: weakling
- easy to attack or hurt: vulnerable; noun (U): vulnerability
The soldiers were vulnerable to attack. in a vulnerable position
- unable to defend yourself against attack: defenceless
a poor defenceless child

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