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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

1 joining
2 mixing
3 uniting
4 materials used for joining things together
people and things together
people meeting MEET
fastening clothes CLOTHES
closing sth OPEN/SHUT

1 joining
- when two or more things come together in the same place, they join (up), meet* (up), or one of them joins/meets* (up with) the other
The two rivers meet just to the south of the city. Where does this road join the motorway?
- when things which form part of a machine or a system come together, they are connected, they connect (up), or one of them connects (up) with the other
All the computers in this office are connected. The tunnels connect up several metres further on.
- to put together two or more things: join/connect things (together/up), join A to/onto B, connect A to/with B
You'll need to join the two parts together if they're going to work properly. Carefully join the top of the model to the bottom. to connect a computer to a network
- to join sth to sth else: attach sth (to sth), fix sth (on/to sth), fasten sth (on/to sth); opposite: detach sth (from sth)
A note was attached to the top of the letter with a paper clip. to fix a shelf to a wall
- a place where two or more things are fastened or connected: joint
If you don't make the joint stronger I think the whole thing will fall apart.
- a line where two parts of an object have been joined: join
It had been so well mended that you couldn't see the join.
- a place where two wires, pipes, etc join together: connection
I tried to mend the radio but there was a loose connection somewhere.
- to separate things which were joined: disconnect things, disconnect A from B
Someone had disconnected the video from the television.
- something, often a house, which is not joined to sth else is detached
a detached cottage
- something which can be detached is detachable
a coat with a detachable lining

2 mixing
- to join together to form a separate substance: mix
Oil and water don't mix.
- to put two or more things together to make another thing: mix sth with sth, mix things (together)
Mix the flour with the sugar and the butter. If you mix red and white together, you get pink.
- to make sth by putting things together: mix sth
to mix cement
- a machine that is used for mixing things: mixer
a cement mixer a food mixer
- something that has been made by mixing things: mixture (noun C/U)
a cake mixture
- if sth is not mixed with anything else, it is pure
pure water pure gold
- to put sth together with sth else so that you increase the size, number, etc: add sth (to sth)
She added some carrots to the soup.
- when things come together so that they are mixed, they combine; noun (C/U): combination
The two companies have combined to form a new organization. The combination of the water and the flour produces a sticky paste.
- to join or mix two or more things together: combine sth (with sth)
The two colleges have been combined. The art college was combined with the technical college to form a new university.

3 uniting
- (used about people) to come together for a particular purpose: unite (with sb/sth), join forces (with sb/sth)
The two parties have united to form a coalition government. Teachers and parents have joined forces to try to save the school.
- to join separate parts together to make one unit: unify sth; noun (U): unification; adjective: unified
the unification of Germany a unified legal system
- the act of joining or the situation of being joined: union (noun U/singular)
the union of several colleges into a single university

4 materials used for joining things together
※—† joining pieces of paper, plastic, etc
- a thick sticky liquid that is used for joining things together: glue (noun U), (more formal) adhesive (noun U)
I need some strong glue to stick the handle back on this cup.
- to join one or more things together with glue: glue sth (on/to sth)
Glue these two pieces together.
- to attach sth to sth else by using glue, etc: stick* sth (on/to sth)
to stick a stamp on an envelope Try sticking it on with this glue.
- a strip of paper, plastic, etc which has adhesive on one or both sides, and is used for fastening, sticking, etc: sellotape (noun U), (adhesive) tape (noun U)
- to fasten sth with adhesive tape: sellotape sth, tape sth
I sellotaped the poster to the wall.
※ more on joining pieces of paper together PAPER
※—† joining things with rope or string
- to fasten sth or fix sth in position with rope or string: tie sth (up); opposite: untie sth
I need some string to tie these sticks together. You can untie the dog now.
※ more on joining things with string or rope STRING/ROPE
※—† joining pieces of wood, metal, etc
- a small thin piece of metal with a point at one end which you hit into things with a hammer to join them together: nail
- a small piece of metal with a sharp end and a round head, which you turn round using a special tool (= screwdriver) to join two things together: screw
He screwed the leg back onto the chair.
※ more on nails and screws TOOL

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