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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

untouched /ˌʌnˈtʌtʃt◂/ BrE AmE adjective
[Word Family: adjective: ↑touched, ↑untouched, ↑touching, ↑touchy, ↑untouchable; noun: ↑touch, ↑untouchable; verb: ↑touch; adverb: ↑touchingly]
1. not changed, damaged, or affected in any way
untouched by
an island that has been untouched by time
2. not touched, moved, or eaten:
Several papers lay untouched on the desk.
• • •
natural existing in nature and not caused, made, or controlled by people: a natural lake | natural light | the earth's natural resources | We only use natural ingredients in our products. | his natural hair colour
wild used about flowers, plants, and animals that are not controlled by people. Also used about areas of land where there are no humans: We found some wild strawberries. | wild horses | wild open spaces
pure used about food, drink, or materials that have not had anything added to them: pure orange juice | pure new wool
organic used about fruit, vegetables, meat etc produced without using chemicals: organic carrots | organic milk | organic beauty products
unspoiled (also unspoilt British English) a place that is unspoiled is still beautiful because no one has built roads or buildings on it: It was a pleasant unspoilt village. | The countryside is remarkably unspoiled.
untouched [not before noun] a place that is untouched has not been affected by human activity: There are few forested areas of the world that remain untouched by humans.
virgin [only before noun] virgin forest or land is still in its natural state and has not been spoiled or changed in any way by humans: Large areas of virgin rainforest will be protected from destruction. | He bought 14,000 acres of virgin land in Ontario.

tính từ
không sờ đến, không mó đến, không động đến, còn nguyên
to leave the food untouched
để đồ ăn còn nguyên không động tới
chưa đả động đến, chưa bàn đến; không đề cập đến
an untouched question
một vấn đề chưa bàn đến
không xúc động; không cảm thấy thương cảm, không cảm thấy biết ơn, vô tình, lãnh đạm
không điên, không tàng tàng, không hâm hâm

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