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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

sue /sjuː $ suː/ BrE AmE verb [intransitive and transitive]
[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Anglo-French; Origin: suer 'to follow, make a legal claim to', from Vulgar Latin sequere, from Latin sequi; ⇨ ↑sequence]
1. to make a legal claim against someone, especially for money, because they have harmed you in some way:
If the builders don’t fulfil their side of the contract, we’ll sue.
The company is suing a former employee.
sue (somebody) for libel/defamation/negligence/slander etc
Miss James could not afford to sue for libel.
She was suing doctors for negligence over the loss of her child.
The railway may sue for damages (=in order to get money) because of loss of revenue.
He is being sued for divorce (=in order to end a marriage) by his wife.
2. sue for peace formal if a country or army sues for peace, they ask for peace, especially because there is no other good choice:
They had hoped to force the North to sue for peace.

[sju: ; su:]
động từ
(to sue somebody for something) kiện ai ra toà về việc gì
to sue somebody for damages
kiện ai đòi bồi thường
(to sue for something) chính thức yêu cầu cái gì trước toà án
to sue for peace
yêu cầu hoà giải
a prisoner suing for mercy
một tù nhân thỉnh cầu khoan hồng
to sue for a divorce
xin ly hôn
to sue for a woman's hand
cầu hôn

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