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Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)

Wine flask
rượu ngon chẳng quản be sành good wine does not mind a terracotta flask
chiếc áo mưa màu be a beige raincoat
To build mud embankments on
To surround with hands top of heaped vessel (to secure the fullest measure)
lấy tay be miệng đấu khi đong đỗ to surround the top of a measure with one's hands while measuring beans

danh từ
wine flask, vial, small wine bottle
rượu ngon chẳng quản be sành
good wine does not mind a terracotta flask
tính từ
chiếc áo mưa màu be
a beige raincoat
động từ
to build mud embankments on, to build, construct
to surround with hands top of heaped vessel (to secure the fullest measure)
lấy tay be miệng đấu khi đong đỗ
to surround the top of a measure with one's hands while measuring beans
to scold, rail (at), abuse; raise hell

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