Chuyển bộ gõ

Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)

ổ lưu manh a nest of ill-doers. bed; litter
ổ rơm ngủ rất ấm It is very warm to sleep on a straw bed. hole
ổ mắt eyehole. loaf;
ổ bánh mì a loaf of bread

danh từ.
nest, brood, litter, hatch
ổ lưu manh
a nest of ill-doers.
bed; litter.
ổ rơm ngủ rất ấm
It is very warm to sleep on a straw bed.
ổ mắt
ổ bánh mì
a loaf of bread.
clasifier for ovaries, loaves of bread, locks, engines
couch, bed made of traw
ổ trộm cắp
den of thieves, resort of theeves
(molitary) pocket
ổ đề kháng
pockets of resistance

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