through; clear, unchocked
to clear off, to unchock, to unclog to open
to allow traffic through
 | [thông] |  | danh từ | |  | pine (tree) | |  | short for, pine | |  | (thông ngôn) interpreter | |  | (thông phán) secretary | |  | lâm trÆ°á»ng thông | | pineplantation | |  | cây thông quanh năm xanh tốt | | the pine remains green all the year round |  | tÃnh từ | |  | through; clear, unchocked |  | Ä‘á»™ng từ | |  | to clear, agree, consent | |  | to open; to allow, traffic through | |  | to go over or through, to cross, open | |  | to be fluent or conversant, understand | |  | to clear off, to unchock, to unclog, clear | |  | to master, be master or be conversant with | |  | to ream out (tube, pipe), clean (out), cleanse throughly | |  | Thông kim bác cổ | | understand the present, have a wide knowledge of the past/leaned, well-informed, erudite |