1. a daily or weekly publication on folded sheets; contains news and articles and advertisements (Freq. 31) - he read his newspaper at breakfast • Syn: paper • Hypernyms: press, public press • Hyponyms: daily, gazette, school newspaper, school paper, tabloid, rag, sheet • Part Meronyms: rotogravure, column, editorial, newspaper column, feature, feature article, news article, news story, newspaper article, headline, newspaper headline, sports section, news item, comic strip, cartoon strip, strip, funnies 2. a business firm that publishes newspapers (Freq. 13) - Murdoch owns many newspapers • Syn: paper, newspaper publisher • Hypernyms: publisher, publishing house, publishing firm, publishing company 3. the physical object that is the product of a newspaper publisher (Freq. 2) - when it began to rain he covered his head with a newspaper • Syn: paper • Hypernyms: product, production 4. cheap paper made from wood pulp and used for printing newspapers - they used bales of newspaper every day • Syn: newsprint • Hypernyms: paper