1. a condition requiring relief (Freq. 56) - she satisfied his need for affection - God has no need of men to accomplish His work - there is a demand for jobs • Syn: demand • Derivationally related forms: demand (for: demand) • Hypernyms: condition, status • Hyponyms: lack, deficiency, want, necessity 2. anything that is necessary but lacking (Freq. 29) - he had sufficient means to meet his simple needs - I tried to supply his wants • Syn: want • Derivationally related forms: want (for: want) • Hypernyms: necessity, essential, requirement, requisite, necessary 3. the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior (Freq. 12) - we did not understand his motivation - he acted with the best of motives • Syn: motivation, motive • Derivationally related forms: motive (for: motive), motivate (for: motive), motivational (for: motivation), motivate (for: motivation) • Hypernyms: psychological feature • Hyponyms: life, rational motive, irrational motive, urge, impulse, ethical motive, ethics, morals, morality, psychic energy, mental energy 4. a state of extreme poverty or destitution (Freq. 1) - their indigence appalled him - a general state of need exists among the homeless • Syn: indigence, penury, pauperism, pauperization • Derivationally related forms: pauperize (for: pauperization), penurious (for: penury), needy, indigent (for: indigence) • Hypernyms: poverty, poorness, impoverishment • Hyponyms: beggary, mendicancy, mendicity
1. require as useful, just, or proper (Freq. 110) - It takes nerve to do what she did - success usually requires hard work - This job asks a lot of patience and skill - This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice - This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert - This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent • Syn: necessitate, ask, postulate, require, take, involve, call for, demand • Ant: obviate (for: necessitate) • Derivationally related forms: demand (for: demand), requirement (for: require), necessity (for: necessitate) • Hyponyms: claim, take, exact, govern, draw, cost, cry out for, cry for, compel • Verb Group: claim, take, exact • Verb Frames: - Something ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE (for: require) - It ----s that CLAUSE (for: require) - It ----s that CLAUSE (for: necessitate) - They need him to write the letter 2. have need of (Freq. 98) - This piano wants the attention of a competent tuner • Syn: want, require • Derivationally related forms: requirement (for: require), wanter (for: want), want (for: want) • Hypernyms: be • Hyponyms: cry • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Something ----s something - They need more bread - They need him to write the letter - They need to move 3. have or feel a need for (Freq. 1) - always needing friends and money • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody