1. solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times (Freq. 103) • Syn: Equus caballus • Hypernyms: equine, equid • Hyponyms: roan, stablemate, stable companion, gee-gee, eohippus, dawn horse, mesohippus, protohippus, male horse, mare, female horse, saddle horse, riding horse, mount, pony, polo pony, wild horse, hack, jade, nag, plug, racehorse, race horse, bangtail, steeplechaser, stalking-horse, harness horse, workhorse, post horse, post-horse, poster, pacer, stepper, high stepper, chestnut, liver chestnut, bay, sorrel, palomino, pinto • Member Holonyms: Equus, genus Equus • Member Meronyms: foal • Part Meronyms: encolure, horseback, horse's foot, withers, gaskin, poll, horsemeat, horseflesh 2. a padded gymnastic apparatus on legs (Freq. 1) • Syn: gymnastic horse • Hypernyms: gymnastic apparatus, exerciser • Hyponyms: pommel horse, side horse, vaulting horse, long horse, buck 3. a framework for holding wood that is being sawed • Syn: sawhorse, sawbuck, buck • Hypernyms: framework • Hyponyms: trestle 4. troops trained to fight on horseback - 500 horse led the attack • Syn: cavalry, horse cavalry • Topics: military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine • Hypernyms: military personnel, soldiery, troops • Member Meronyms: cavalryman, trooper 5. a chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse; can move two squares horizontally and one vertically (or vice versa) • Syn: knight • Topics: chess, chess game • Hypernyms: chessman, chess piece
provide with a horse or horses • Hypernyms: provide, supply, ply, cater • Hyponyms: remount • Verb Frames: - Somebody ----s something - Somebody ----s somebody