1. a building or place that provides a particular service or is used for a particular industry (Freq. 35) - the assembly plant is an enormous facility • Syn: installation • Derivationally related forms: install (for: installation) • Hypernyms: artifact, artefact • Hyponyms: airfield, landing field, flying field, field, arboretum, botanical garden, athletic facility, backroom, cafeteria facility, communication system, communication equipment, course, depository, deposit, depositary, repository, drive-in, forum, assembly, meeting place, gas system, menagerie, zoo, zoological garden, military installation, power system, power grid, grid, range, recreational facility, recreation facility, sewage system, sewer system, sewage works, source, station, transportation system, transportation, transit, utility, water system, water supply, water 2. skillful performance or ability without difficulty - his quick adeptness was a product of good design - he was famous for his facility as an archer • Syn: adeptness, adroitness, deftness, quickness • Derivationally related forms: quick (for: quickness), facile, deft (for: deftness), adroit (for: adroitness), adept (for: adeptness) • Hypernyms: skillfulness • Hyponyms: touch, dexterity, manual dexterity, sleight 3. a natural effortlessness - they conversed with great facility - "a happy readiness of conversation"--Jane Austen • Syn: readiness • Derivationally related forms: ready (for: readiness), facile • Hypernyms: effortlessness 4. something designed and created to serve a particular function and to afford a particular convenience or service - catering facilities - toilet facilities - educational facilities • Hypernyms: artifact, artefact • Hyponyms: public toilet, comfort station, public convenience, convenience, public lavatory, restroom, toilet facility, wash room 5. a service that an organization or a piece of equipment offers you - a cell phone with internet facility • Hypernyms: service