1. the sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material (Freq. 1) • Syn: volcanic eruption • Derivationally related forms: erupt • Hypernyms: discharge • Hyponyms: Plinian eruption 2. symptom consisting of a breaking out and becoming visible • Hypernyms: symptom • Hyponyms: eczema vaccinatum, Kaposi's varicelliform eruption, enanthem, enanthema, exanthem, exanthema, skin eruption, rash, roseola, efflorescence, skin rash 3. a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition) - the outbreak of hostilities • Syn: outbreak, irruption • Derivationally related forms: irrupt (for: irruption), erupt • Hypernyms: happening, occurrence, occurrent, natural event • Hyponyms: epidemic, recrudescence 4. a sudden very loud noise • Syn: bang, clap, blast, bam • Derivationally related forms: blast (for: blast), clap (for: clap), bang (for: bang) • Hypernyms: noise • Hyponyms: water hammer 5. (of volcanos) pouring out fumes or lava (or a deposit so formed) • Syn: eructation, extravasation • Derivationally related forms: extravasate (for: extravasation), eruct (for: eructation), erupt • Topics: vent, volcano • Hypernyms: action, activity, activeness 6. the emergence of a tooth as it breaks through the gum • Derivationally related forms: erupt • Hypernyms: emergence, egress, issue