1. a room (as in a residence) containing a bathtub or shower and usually a washbasin and toilet (Freq. 6) • Syn: bath • Derivationally related forms: bath (for: bath) • Hypernyms: room • Part Holonyms: dwelling, home, domicile, abode, habitation, dwelling house • Part Meronyms: bathtub, bathing tub, bath, tub, shower stall, shower bath, toilet, can, commode, crapper, pot, potty, stool, throne, washbasin, handbasin, washbowl, lavabo, wash-hand basin 2. a room or building equipped with one or more toilets • Syn: toilet, lavatory, lav, can, john, privy • Hypernyms: room • Hyponyms: head, public toilet, comfort station, public convenience, convenience, public lavatory, restroom, toilet facility, wash room, washroom, water closet, closet, W.C., loo • Part Meronyms: toilet, can, commode, crapper, pot, potty, stool, throne