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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

at·tract·ive BrE [əˈtræktɪv] NAmE [əˈtræktɪv] adjective
1. (of a person)pleasant to look at, especially in a sexual way
an attractive woman
I like John but I don't find him attractive physically.
2. (of a thing or a place)pleasant
a big house with an attractive garden
Your new glasses are very attractive.
Antique furniture is used to make an attractive contrast with a modern setting.
That's one of the less attractive aspects of her personality.
3. having features or qualities that make sth seem interesting and worth having
Syn: appealing
an attractive offer/proposition
They are able to offer attractive career opportunities to graduates.
Opp: unattractive
Derived Words:attractively attractiveness

Word Origin:
late Middle English (in the sense ‘absorbent’): from French attractif, -ive, from late Latin attractivus, from the verb attrahere, from ad- ‘to’ + trahere ‘draw’.

attractive [attractive attractively attractiveness] adj.
She was a tall, attractive woman.
good-looking • • handsome • • pretty • • beautiful • • striking • |especially BrE lovely • |especially AmE, informal cute
Opp: unattractive
a/an attractive/good-looking/handsome/pretty/beautiful/striking/lovely/cute girl/woman/face
a/an attractive/good-looking/handsome/pretty/beautiful/lovely/cute boy
a/an attractive/good-looking/handsome/beautiful/cute man
Attractive or good-looking? Attractive often describes sb's personality as well as their appearance; good-looking only describes sb's appearance.
a large house with an attractive garden
pretty • • charming • • beautiful • • picturesque • • impressive • |especially BrE lovely
Opp: unattractive
a/an attractive/pretty/charming/beautiful/picturesque/lovely place/town/village
attractive/beautiful/picturesque/impressive/lovely scenery/views
a/an attractive/charming/beautiful/lovely smile
attractive career opportunities for graduates
appealing • |formal desirable
Opp: unattractive
attractive/appealing to sb
an attractive/appealing idea/prospect
highly attractive/desirable

pretty • handsome • attractive • lovely • good-looking • gorgeous
These words all describe people who are pleasant to look at.
beautiful • (especially of a woman or girl) very pleasant to look at: She looked stunningly beautiful that night.
pretty • (especially of a girl or woman) pleasant to look at: She's got a very pretty face.
Pretty is used most often to talk about girls. When it is used to talk about a woman, it usually suggests that she is like a girl, with small, delicate features.
handsome • (of a man) pleasant to look at; (of a woman) pleasant to look at, with large strong features rather than small delicate ones: He was described as ‘ tall, dark and handsome ’.
attractive • (of a person) pleasant to look at, especially in a sexual way: She's a very attractive woman.
lovely • (of a person) beautiful; very attractive: She looked particularly lovely that night.
When you describe sb as lovely, you are usually showing that you also have a strong feeling of affection for them.
good-looking • (of a person) pleasant to look at, often in a sexual way: She arrived with a very good-looking man.
gorgeous • (informal) (of a person) extremely attractive, especially in a sexual way: You look gorgeous!
attractive or good-looking?
If you describe sb as attractive you often also mean that they have a pleasant personality as well as being pleasant to look at; good-looking just describes sb's physical appearance.
a(n) beautiful/pretty/handsome/attractive/lovely/good-looking/gorgeous girl/woman
a(n) beautiful/handsome/attractive/good-looking/gorgeous boy/man
a(n) beautiful/pretty/handsome/attractive/lovely/good-looking face

Example Bank:
He no longer found her physically attractive.
Schools must try to make science more attractive to youngsters.
She looked attractive and beautifully dressed.
The policy is superficially attractive, but unlikely to work.
This is an idea that I find very attractive.
This is not an economically attractive option for many farmers.
a stunningly attractive woman
a visually attractive display
I like John as a person, but I don't find him attractive physically.
She's a very attractive woman.
The city itself is very attractive.
They've made us a very attractive offer.
This is a big house with an attractive garden.
an attractive idea/theory/proposition/option/prospect/package/offer

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