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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

strong [strong stronger strongest] BrE [strɒŋ] NAmE [strɔːŋ] adjective (strong·erBrE [strɒŋɡə(r)] ; NAmE [strɔːŋɡər] , strong·estBrE [strɒŋɡɪst] ; NAmE [strɔːŋɡɪst] )
1. (of people, animals, etc.)having a lot of physical power so that you can lift heavy weights, do hard physical work, etc
strong muscles
She wasn't a strong swimmer (= she could not swim well).
He's strong enough to lift a car!
2. (of a natural or physical force)having great power
Stay indoors in the middle of the day, when the sun is strongest.
a strong wind/current
a strong magnet
3. having a powerful effect on the body or mind
a strong drug  
4. having a lot of power or influence
a strong leader/government
5. the strongplural people who are rich or powerful  
6. very powerful and difficult for people to fight against or defeat
a strong team
• (figurative) The temptation to tell her everything was very strong.
7. (of an argument, evidence, etc.)difficult to attack or criticize
There is strong evidence of a link between exercise and a healthy heart.
You have a strong case for getting your job back.  
8. only before noun (of a person)holding an opinion or a belief very firmly and seriously
Syn: firm
a strong supporter/opponent of the government
9. (of an opinion, a belief or a feeling)very powerful
strong support for the government
People have strong feelings about this issue.  
10. (of objects)not easily broken or damaged; made well
a strong chair  
11. not easily upset or frightened; not easily influenced by other people
You need strong nerves to ride a bike in London.
It's difficult, I know. But be strong!
a strong personality
She's had a strong will since she was a baby.
see also headstrong, ↑strong-minded, ↑strong-willed  
12. likely to succeed or happen
a strong candidate for the job
You're in a strong position to negotiate a deal.
There's a strong possibility that we'll lose the game.  
13. good at sth
The play has a very strong cast.
Mathematics was never my strong point (= I was never very good at it).  
14. great in number
There was a strong police presence at the demonstration.
15. used after numbers to show the size of a group
a 5 000-strong crowd
The crowd was 5 000 strong.  
16. (of a person)not easily affected by disease; healthy
Are you feeling stronger now after your rest?  
17. firmly established; difficult to destroy
a strong marriage
The college has strong links with local industry.  
18. (of prices, an economy, etc.)having a value that is high or increasing
strong share prices
The euro is getting stronger against the dollar.
19. (of a business or an industry)in a safe financial position
Their catering business remained strong despite the recession.  
20. easy to see, hear, feel or smell; very great or ↑intense
a strong smell
a strong feeling of nausea
a strong voice (= loud)
strong colours
a face with strong features (= large and noticeable)
She spoke with a strong Australian accent.
He was under strong pressure to resign.  
21. having a lot of flavour
strong cheese  
22. containing a lot of a substance
strong black coffee  
23. (of words or language)having a lot of force, often causing offence to people
The movie has been criticized for strong language (= swearing).  
24. usually before noun (of a verb)forming the past tense and past participle by changing a vowel, not by adding a regular ending, for example sing, sang  
25. usually before noun used to describe the way some words are pronounced when they have stress. For example, the strong form of and is / [ænd] / .
Opp: weak
more at sb's best/strongest/winning card at card n.
Idioms:a bit strong come on strong going strong have a strong stomach somebody's strong suit strong on something
Derived Word:strongly

Word Origin:
Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German streng, also to ↑string.

strong adj.
He's strong enough to lift a car!
muscular • |especially written, usually approving powerful
Opp: weak
(a) strong/muscular/powerful build/body/arms/legs
strong/powerful muscles/jaws
Stay indoors when the sun is strongest.
bright • • dazzling • • brilliant • • bold • • intense • |disapproving harsh • • glaring
Opp: weak
strong/bright/dazzling/brilliant/intense/harsh/glaring light
strong/bright/dazzling/brilliant/bold/harsh/glaring colours
strong/bright/dazzling/brilliant/glaring sunshine
3. (approving)
The country needs a strong leader.
powerful • • important • • influential • • great • • dominant
Opp: weak
a/an strong/powerful/important/influential/great/dominant figure/leader/position
a/an strong/powerful/influential lobby
a/an strong/powerful/important/great/dominant influence
Which word? Strong people are confident and have leadership qualities. Powerful people such as politicians use their position to control events. Important people influence other people or events because people respect them or because their position means their actions have a great effect. Influential people change other people's opinions or behaviour because people respect and listen to them.
You have a strong case for getting your job back.
convincing • • persuasive • • forceful • • compelling • |formal cogent
Opp: weak
a strong/convincing/persuasive/forceful/compelling/cogent argument
strong/convincing/persuasive/compelling/cogent evidence
a strong/convincing/persuasive/compelling/cogent reason/case
You need vitamins to keep you strong and healthy.
healthy • • good • |especially BrE fit • |especially spoken well • • fine
Opp: weak
get strong/fit/well
physically strong/healthy/fit/well
fit and strong/healthy/well
strong cheese/coffee
hot • • spicy
Opp: mild, Opp: weak
a strong/hot/spicy flavour
a strong/spicy taste
strong/hot mustard

Word Family:
strong adjective
strongly adverb
strength noun
strengthen verb

all right • OK • fine • healthy • strong • fit
These words all describe sb who is not ill and is in good health.
well • [not usually before noun] (rather informal) in good health: I'm not feeling very well. Is he well enough to travel?
Well is used especially to talk about your own health, to ask sb about their health or to make a comment on it.
all right • [not before noun] (rather informal) not feeling ill; not injured: Are you feeling all right?
OK • [not before noun] (informal) not feeling ill; not injured: She says she's OK now, and will be back at work tomorrow.
all right or ok?
These words are slightly less positive than the other words in this group. They are both used in spoken English to talk about not actually being ill or injured, rather than being positively in good health. Both are rather informal but OK is slightly more informal than all right.
fine • [not before noun] (not used in negative statements) (rather informal) completely well: ‘How are you?’ ‘Fine, thanks.’
Fine is used especially to talk about your health, especially when sb asks you how you are. It is also used to talk about sb's health when you are talking to sb else. Unlike well it is not often used to ask sb about their health or make a comment on it: Are you keeping fine?
healthy • in good health and not likely to become ill: Keep healthy by exercising regularly.
strong • in good health and not suffering from an illness: After a few weeks she was feeling stronger.
Strong is often used to talk about becoming healthy again after an illness.
fit • (especially BrE) in good physical health, especially because you take regular physical exercise: I go swimming every day in order to keep fit.
all right/OK/fit for sth
all right/OK/fit to do sth
to feel/look well/all right/OK/fine/healthy/strong/fit
to keep (sb) well/healthy/fit
perfectly well/all right/OK/fine/healthy/fit
physically well/healthy/strong/fit

Example Bank:
Don't try to go back to work before you are physically strong enough.
He exerts an extremely strong influence on his classmates.
Sales were surprisingly strong in the second half of the year.
The box looks strong enough.
The business is still going strong.
The men's golf team finished strong on Saturday.
The party lacks a strong enough local base.
This news helped keep the dollar relatively strong today.
We must stand strong in the face of adversity.
After a few weeks she was feeling stronger.
He felt that the evidence was sufficiently strong to make the claims he did.
He's strong enough to lift a car!
It's difficult, I know, but be strong!
She has long been one of the strongest advocates of sanctions.
She is the leader of one of the country's strongest trade unions.
She wasn't a strong swimmer.
Stay indoors in the middle of the day, when the sun is strongest.
The report recommended a strong role for the governing board in school policy on discipline.
There is strong evidence of a link between exercise and a healthy heart.
These vitamins are meant to keep you healthy and strong.
This traditional Cheddar is a treat for lovers of strong farmhouse cheese.
We hope to see you well and strong again soon.
What the country needs right now is a strong government.
Will this damage his image as a strong leader?
You'll need to use plenty of strong French mustard.
a cup of strong black coffee

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