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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

im·plant [implant implants implanted implanting] verb, noun
verb BrE [ɪmˈplɑːnt] ; NAmE [ɪmˈplænt]
1. transitive ~ sth (in/into sth) to fix an idea, attitude, etc. firmly in sb's mind
Prejudices can easily become implanted in the mind.
2. transitive ~ sth (in/into sth) to put sth (usually sth artificial) into a part of the body for medical purposes, usually by means of an operation
an electrode implanted into the brain
So far, only one person has survived an operation to implant an artificial heart.
compare transplant
3. intransitive ~ (in/into sth) (of an egg or an embryo)to become fixed inside the body of a person or an animal so that it can start to develop
The embryo is placed into the uterus where it has a chance to implant.
Verb forms:

Word Origin:
late Middle English: from late Latin implantare ‘graft’, from Latin in- ‘into’ + plantare ‘to plant’.
Derived Word:implantation
noun BrE [ˈɪmplɑːnt] ; NAmE [ˈɪmplænt]
something that is put into a person's body in a medical operation
silicone breast implants
compare transplant

Word Origin:
late Middle English: from late Latin implantare ‘graft’, from Latin in- ‘into’ + plantare ‘to plant’.

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