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Từ điển Oxford Advanced Learner 8th

Pai·ute 7 [Paiute Paiutes] BrE [ˈpaɪuːt] NAmE [ˈpaɪuːt] noun (pl. Pai·uteor Pai·utes)
a member of a Native American people many of whom live in the south-western US

Word Origin:
from Spanish Payuchi, Payuta, influenced by ↑Ute.

There are now only about 4 000 Paiute and they live mostly on reservations (= land given and protected by the US government) in ↑Nevada, ↑California, ↑Utah and ↑Arizona. They began the ↑Ghost Dance and its religion. In earlier times the northern Paiutes attacked white people who settled in their areas. The southern Paiutes were called Digger Indians because they ate roots.

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