copying the actions of other people BEHAVIOUR - something that is made to look exactly like sth else: copy, duplicate; adjective (only before a noun): duplicate; to make a copy: copy sth, duplicate sth a copy of a report/picture/photograph ◎ a duplicate key - to write down sth exactly as it is written somewhere else: copy (sth down/out) I copied down his address from the phone book. - a copy of sth that is usually smaller than the real thing: model a model aeroplane - a machine that copies pieces of paper, books, etc: photocopier; a copy made with a photocopier: photocopy; to make a photocopy: photocopy sth - thin paper with carbon on one side that you put between two pieces of paper to make a copy when you write: carbon paper (noun U) - a copy of a letter, etc made with carbon paper: carbon copy - when you write or make sth with two copies that are exactly the same, you do it in duplicate - something that was made first, before any copies: original; adjective: original Could you make a photocopy and give the original back to me? ◎ Is that an original painting? - a copy of a real thing: imitation a poor imitation of the style of Picasso ◎ imitation leather - a copy of a painting, etc: reproduction These vases are only reproductions, not originals. ◎ reproduction furniture - if sth is not an imitation or a reproduction, it is genuine, real a genuine antique ◎ I think it's real silver. ※ more on being genuine or real REAL/GENUINE ※ MORE ... - to take and use sb else's words, ideas, etc as if they were your own: plagiarize sb/sth; noun (U/C): plagiarism He was accused of plagiarism. - the legal right to be the only person or organization to be able to copy or print a book, perform a piece of music, etc: copyright (noun U/C)