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Từ điển Oxford Learners Wordfinder Dictionary

succulent herbs or small shrubs mostly of South Africa but also New Zealand and North America: carpetweeds;
fig marigolds
Aizoaceae, family Aizoaceae, family Tetragoniaceae, carpetweed family
caryophylloid dicot family
Member Holonyms:
Caryophyllales, order Caryophyllales, Chenopodiales, order-Chenopodiales
Member Meronyms:
Carpobrotus, genus Carpobrotus, Dorotheanthus, genus Dorotheanthus, genus Lithops,
Mesembryanthemum, genus Mesembryanthemum, Molluga, genus Molluga, Pleiospilos, genus Pleiospilos,
Tetragonia, genus Tetragonia

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