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quite S1 W1 /kwaɪt/ BrE AmE predeterminer, adverb
[Date: 1300-1400; Origin: quit, quite 'free of' (13-19 centuries), from Old French quite; ⇨ ↑quit]
1. especially American English very, but not extremely ⇨ pretty:
The food in the cafeteria is usually quite good.
His hair is quite thin on top now.
Amy’s at college, and she’s doing quite well.
quite a something
He’s quite a good soccer player.
Put quite before ‘a’ and an adjective and noun, not after ‘a’:
It took quite a long time (NOT a quite long time).
2. especially British English fairly, or to a small extent, but not very ⇨ pretty:
The film was quite good, but the book was much better.
I got a letter from Sylvia quite recently.
quite like/enjoy
I quite like Chinese food.
3. quite a lot/bit/few a fairly large number or amount:
He’s got quite a lot of friends.
Quite a few towns are now banning cars from their shopping centres.
4. [+ adjective/adverb] British English completely:
I’m sorry. That’s quite impossible.
What she’s suggesting is quite ridiculous!
I think you’ve had quite enough to drink already!
That’s quite a different matter.
5. not quite not completely:
They weren’t quite ready so we waited in the car.
I’m not quite sure where she lives.
Dinner’s almost ready, but not quite.
6. not quite why/what/where etc not exactly why, what, where etc:
The play wasn’t quite what we expected.
7. quite a something/quite some something British English used before a noun to emphasize that something is very good, large, interesting etc:
That was quite a party you had.
The engines make quite a noise.
It’s quite some distance away.
8. quite a/some time especially British English a fairly long time:
We’ve been waiting for quite some time now.
9. quite right British English used to show that you agree strongly with someone:
‘I refuse to do any more work.’ ‘Quite right. They can’t expect you to work for nothing.’
10. that’s quite all right British English used to reply to someone that you are not angry about something they have done:
‘I’m sorry we’re so late.’ ‘That’s quite all right.’
11. quite/quite so British English formal used to show that you agree with what someone is saying SYN exactly:
‘They really should have thought of this before.’ ‘Yes, quite.’
12. quite something especially British English used to say that someone or something is very impressive:
It’s quite something to walk out on stage in front of 20,000 people.
• • •
rather/quite especially British English more than a little, but less than very. British people often use these words before adjectives in conversation. In many cases they do not intend to change the meaning – it is just something that people say: She seemed rather unhappy. | It's rather a difficult question. | It’s getting quite late. | Malaria is rather common in this area.
fairly rather. Fairly is used in both British and American English: The test was fairly easy. | It’s a fairly long way to the next town.
pretty spoken rather. Pretty is more informal than the other words and is used in spoken English: Her French is pretty good. | We’re in a pretty strong position.
reasonably to a satisfactory level or degree: He plays reasonably well. | Let's just say that I am reasonably confident we'll win.
moderately formal more than a little, but not very: Her family was moderately wealthy. | The food was moderately good, but not as good as the food in the other restaurants. | Use a moderately high heat. | a moderately difficult climb
somewhat formal fairly or to a small degree. Somewhat is used especially when talking about the size or degree of something. It is often used in comparatives: The celebrations were somewhat larger than last year’s. | He looked somewhat irritated. | a somewhat surprising decision

phó từ, không dùng với một từ phủ định
không nhiều lắm, khá
quite big/small/good/cold/warm/interesting
khá to/nhỏ/tốt/lạnh/ấm/lý thú
the girl sang quite a long song
cô gái hát một bài khá dài
he plays quite well
nó chơi khá tốt
I quite like some opera music
tôi khá thích nhạc ôpêra
hoàn toàn, hết sức, đúng là
quite awful/delicious/amazing/empty/unique/enough
hết sức kinh khủng/ngon ngọt/kinh ngạc/rỗng tuếch/độc đáo/đầy đủ
a quite extraordinary experience
một kinh nghiệm đúng là phi thường
that was quite the nicest meal I've ever had
đây đúng là bữa ăn ngon nhất tôi đã được ăn từ trước đến giờ
the theatre was not quite full
rạp chưa hẳn đã đông hết chỗ
cheer up, it's not quite hopeless yet
cố lên, chưa hẳn hết hy vọng đâu!
he has quite recovered from his illness
nó đã hoàn toàn bình phục sau trận ốm
I quite agree/understand
tôi hoàn toàn đồng ý/hiểu
taking on the telephone for quite two hours
nói chuyện điện thoại đủ hai giờ đồng hồ
thán từ
đúng, đồng ý, phải (trong câu đáp)
quite so
đúng vậy; đúng thế
quite a few; quite a lot (of)
kha khá, khá nhiều
quite a few people came to the lecture
có khá nhiều người đến dự buổi thuyết trình
we drank quite a lot of wine
chúng tôi đã uống khá nhiều rượu
quite some time
có độ dài đáng kể về thời gian; khá lâu
it happened quite some time ago
chuyện đó xảy ra cách nay khá lâu
quite a; quite some
(cho biết người hoặc vật nào đó là khác (thường))
it must be quite some car
chắc rằng đó phải là một chiếc ô tô khác thường
we had quite a party
chúng tôi đã có một buổi liên hoan ra trò
từ hạn định
dùng trước a / the + danh từ hoặc trước một tên riêng để nhấn mạnh
quite a beauty/hero/swimmer
đúng là một người đẹp/anh hùng/tay bơi giỏi
we found it quite a change when we moved to London
khi dọn đến London, chúng tôi thấy có quá nhiều thay đổi
it's not quite Lake District but the countryside's very pretty
đây không được như Lake District, nhưng vùng nông thôn này cũng rất đẹp
(not) quite the (done) thing
(không) được xã hội chấp nhận
it wasn't quite the done thing for women to drink in pubs in those days
thời đó, đàn bà vào quán uống rượu là điều không thể chấp nhận được
quite the fashion/rage
rất được ưa chuộng, rất hợp thời trang

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