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Từ điển Việt Anh Việt 4in1 - English Vietnamese 4 in 1 Dictionary

golf S2 W3 /ɡɒlf $ ɡɑːlf, ɡɒːlf/ BrE AmE noun [uncountable]
[Date: 1400-1500; Origin: Perhaps from Middle Dutch colf 'stick for hitting a ball']
a game in which the players hit a small white ball into holes in the ground with a set of golf clubs, using as few hits as possible:
He plays golf on Sundays.
a round of golf (=complete game of golf)
—golfer noun
—golfing noun
• • •
play golf I play golf at the weekends.
take up golf (=start playing golf) He took up golf as a way of getting more exercise.
a game of golf Anybody fancy a game of golf this afternoon?
a round of golf (=a complete game of golf) He invited me to join him for a round of golf.
golf + NOUN
a golf course (=an area of land designed for playing golf) an 18-hole golf course
a golf club/Club (=an organization that you join in order to use its golf course, or the building where members meet) the Royal Aberdeen Golf Club | a party at the golf club
a golf club (=a long thin metal stick used to hit the ball in golf) He spent $2000 on a new set of golf clubs.
a golf tournament/championship She decided to enter the golf tournament.
somebody's golf swing (=the way someone moves a golf club when hitting the ball) Keith's been working on improving his golf swing.
a golf bag (=that holds the clubs) I put the golf bag over my shoulder.
a golf cart (=a small car used on golf courses) He used a golf cart to get around the course.
a golf professional Jack's hoping to become a golf professional.
a golf lesson I'm thinking of taking golf lessons.
18-hole/9-hole golf Facilities include an 18-hole golf course.
amateur/professional golf The standard of women's amateur golf is certainly improving.
tournament/championship golf The course is suitable for modern world-class championship golf.



Golf is a sport in which a ball is hit into a series of holes using golf clubs.

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