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double-decker /ˌdʌbəl ˈdekə◂ $ -ər◂/ BrE AmE noun [countable]

1. a bus with two levels ⇨ single-decker
2. a sandwich made with three pieces of bread and two layers of food
—double-decker adjective
[only before noun]
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bus a large vehicle that people pay to travel on: There were a lot of people on the bus.
coach British English a bus with comfortable seats used for long journeys: Taking the coach is cheaper than the train.
minibus a small bus with seats for six to twelve people: The school uses a minibus to take teams to matches.
double-decker a bus with two levels: the red double-deckers in London
articulated bus (also bendy bus
British English) a very long bus that has a joint in the middle that allows it to go around corners: Articulated buses have been used in Europe for many years.
tram British English, streetcar American English, trolley/trolley car American English a vehicle for passengers, which travels along metal tracks in the street, and usually gets power from electric lines over the vehicle: We waited at the stop for the tram. | San Diego has a well-used trolley system.
tram American English a vehicle with many different parts for people to sit in, and which usually has open sides. A tram runs on wheels and is used to take tourists from place to place within a particular area: The tram takes visitors around the backlot of Universal Studios, where many famous movies were once made.

danh từ
tàu thuỷ hai boong
(từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) xe khách hai tầng
(hàng không) máy bay hai tầng cánh
bánh có hai lớp nhân

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