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Từ điển American Heritage Dictionary 4th

tax·on·o·my (tăk-sŏnʹə-mē)n. pl. tax·on·o·mies
1. The classification of organisms in an ordered system that indicates natural relationships.
2. The science, laws, or principles of classification; systematics.
3. Division into ordered groups or categories: “Scholars have been laboring to develop a taxonomy of young killers” (Aric Press).  [French taxonomie: Greek taxis, arrangement; see taxis + -nomie, method (from Greek -nomiā. See -nomy).] tax·onʹo·mist n. 
          Taxonomy of Life
        | The taxonomic organization of species is hierarchical. Each species belongs to a genus, each genus   |
        | belongs to a family, and so on through order, class, phylum, and kingdom. Associations within the       |
        | hierarchy reflect evolutionary relationships, which are deduced typically from morphological and           |
        | physiological similarities between species. So, for example, species in the same genus are more        |
        | closely related and more alike than species that are in different genera within the same family.            |
        | Carolus Linnaeus, an 18th-century Swedish botanist, devised the system of binomial nomenclature      |
        | used for naming species. In this system, each species is given a two-part Latin name, formed by        |
        | appending a specific epithet to the genus name. By convention, the genus name is capitalized, and     |
        | both the genus name and specific epithet are italicized, for Canis familiaris or simply C. familiaris.       |
        | Modern taxonomy recognizes five kingdoms, into which the estimated five million species of the world |
        | are divided. This table presents a familiar organism from each kingdom and the names of the              |
        | taxonomic groups to which it belongs.                                                                                              |
        | Common      Kingdom    | Phylum*        | Class            Order                | Family                Genus            Species     |
        | Name           |                   |                       |                      |                          |                            |                        |                   |
        | Domesticated | Animalia      | Chordata         | Mammalia      | Carnivora           | Canidae               | Canis               | C. familiaris |
        | Dog               | (animals)     |                       |                      |                          |                            |                        |                   |
        | Sugar Maple  | Plantae       | Magnoliophyta | Rosidae          | Sapindales         | Aceraceae            | Acer                | A.               |
        |                      | (plants)       |                       |                      |                          |                            |                        | saccharum  |
        | Bread Mold    | Fungi          | Zygomycota    | Zygomycetes  | Mucoralis           | Mucoraceae         | Rhizopus         | R. stolonifer |
        |                      | (fungi)         |                       |                      |                          |                            |                        |                   |
        | Tuberculosis  | Prokaryotae | Firmicutes      | Actinobacteria | Actinomycetales | Mycobacteriaceae | Mycobacterium | M.              |
        | Bacterium      | (bacteria)     |                       |                      |                          |                            |                        | tuberculosis |
        |                      | Protoctista  |                       |                      |                          |                            |                        |                   |
        | Pond Alga      | (algae,        | Chlorophyta    | Euconjugatae  | Zygnematalis     | Zygnemataceae    | Spirogyra         | S. crassa    |
        |                      | molds,        |                       |                      |                          |                            |                        |                   |
        |                      | protozoans) |                       |                      |                          |                            |                        |                   |
        | * In botanical nomenclature, ""division"" is used instead of ""phylum.""                                                                                             |

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