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Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)
bày vẽ

To contrive (unnecessary things), to conceive (impractical things), to go to unnecessary lengths
bày vẽ ra cho thêm việc to add to the work by contriving unnecessary jobs
bày vẽ thật lắm trò to conceive all kinds of things to do
To show
bày vẽ cách làm ăn to show how to do something, to show how to earn a living

[bày vẽ]
động từ
to contrive (unnecessary things), to conceive (impractical things), to go to unnecessary lengths
bày vẽ ra cho thêm việc
to add to the work by contriving unnecessary jobs
bày vẽ thật lắm trò
to conceive all kinds of things to do
to show
bày vẽ cách làm ăn
to show how to do something, to show how to earn a living
invent, create; make up stories

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