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Từ điển American Heritage Dictionary 4th

meas·ure·ment (mĕzhʹər-mənt)n.
1. The act of measuring or the process of being measured.
2. A system of measuring:
measurement in miles.
3. The dimension, quantity, or capacity determined by measuring:
the measurements of a room. 
        Conversion From U.S. Customary to Metric units
        | inches         |   25.4 | millimeters  |
        |                   |   2.54 | centimeters |
        | feet             | 30.48 | centimeters |
        | yards          |   0.91 | meters       |
        | miles          |   1.61 | kilometers  |
        | teaspoons   |   4.93 | milliliters     |
        | tablespoons | 14.79 | milliliters     |
        | fluid ounces | 29.57 | milliliters     |
        | cups           |   0.24 | liters          |
        | pints           |   0.47 | liters          |
        | quarts         |   0.95 | liters          |
        | gallons        |   3.79 | liters          |
        | cubic feet    | 0.028 | cubic          |
        |                   |          | meters        |
        | cubic yards  |  0.76 | cubic          |
        |                   |          | meters        |
        | ounces        | 28.35 | grams         |
        | pounds        |   0.45 | kilograms   |
        | short tons    |   0.91 | metric tons |
        | (2,000 lbs)   |          |                   |
        | square        |   6.45 | square        |
        | inches         |          | centimeters |
        | square feet  |   0.09 | square        |
        |                   |          | meters        |
        | square        |   0.84 | square        |
        | yards          |          | meters        |
        | square        |   2.60 | square        |
        | miles          |          | kilometers   |
        | acres          |   0.40 | hectacres   |
        From Metric to U.S. Customary Units
        | millimeters  | 0.04  | inches         |
        | centimeters | 0.39  | inches         |
        | meters        | 3.28  | feet             |
        |                   | 1.09  | yards          |
        | kilometers   | 0.62  | miles           |
        | milliliters     | 0.20  | teaspoons   |
        |                   | 0.06  | tablespoons |
        |                   | 0.03  | fluid ounces |
        | liters           | 1.06  | quarts         |
        |                   | 0.26  | gallons        |
        |                   | 4.23  | cups           |
        |                   | 2.12  | pints           |
        | cubic          | 35.32 | cubic feet    |
        | meters        |          |                   |
        |                   | 1.35  | cubic yards  |
        | grams         | 0.035 | ounces        |
        | kilograms    | 2.21  | pounds        |
        | metric ton   | 1.10  | short ton      |
        | (1,000 kg)   |          |                   |
        | square        | 0.16  | square         |
        | centimeters |          | inches         |
        | square        | 1.20  | square         |
        | meters        |          | yards          |
        | square        | 0.39  | square         |
        | kilometers   |          | miles          |
        | hectacres   | 2.47  | acres          |
        Temperature Conversion Between Celsius and Fahrenheit
        °C = (°F - 32) ÷ 1.8
        °F = (°C x 1.8) + 32
        | Boiling        | 212°  | 100°  |
        | point of       |         |         |
        | water          |         |         |
        | A very hot   | 104°  | 40°    |
        | day             |         |         |
        | Normal        | 98.6° | 37°    |
        | body           |         |         |
        | temperature |         |         |
        | A warm day | 86°   | 30°    |
        | A mild day  | 68°    | 20°    |
        | A cool day  | 50°    | 10°    |
        | Freezing     | 32°   | 0°     |
        | point of       |         |         |
        | water          |         |         |
        | Lowest        | 0°     | -       |
        | temperature |         | 17.8° |
        | Gabriel        |         |         |
        | Fahrenheit   |         |         |
        | could          |         |         |
        | obtain by     |         |         |
        | mixing salt  |         |         |
        | and ice       |         |         |
        U.S. Customary System: Length
        | inch        | 1/12    | 2.54            |
        |               | foot     | centimeters  |
        | foot        | 12       | 0.3048         |
        |               | inches | meter          |
        |               | or 1/3  |                   |
        |               | yard    |                   |
        | yard        | 36       | 0.9144         |
        |               | inches | meter          |
        |               | or 3     |                   |
        |               | feet     |                   |
        | rod         | 16 1/2 | 5.0292         |
        |               | feet or | meters        |
        |               | 5 1/2   |                   |
        |               | yards  |                   |
        | furlong    | 220     | 0.2012         |
        |               | yards  | kilometer     |
        |               | or 1/8  |                   |
        |               | mile    |                   |
        | mile        | 5,280  | 1.6093         |
        | (statute)  | feet or | kilometers   |
        |               | 1,760  |                   |
        |               | yards  |                   |
        | mile        | 2,025  | 1.852          |
        | (nautical) | yards  | kilometers   |
        U.S. Customary System: Volume or Capacity (Liquid Measure)
        | ounce | 1/16     | 29.574    |
        |          | pint      | milliliters |
        | gill     | 4         | 0.1183    |
        |          | ounces | liter         |
        | pint    | 16        | 0.4732    |
        |          | ounces | liter         |
        | quart  | 2 pints  | 0.9463    |
        |          | or 1/4   | liter         |
        |          | gallon   |               |
        | gallon | 128      | 3.7853    |
        |          | ounces | liters       |
        |          | or 8      |               |
        |          | pints    |               |
        | barrel  |            |               |
        | (wine) | 31 1/2  | 119.24    |
        |          | gallons | liters       |
        | (beer) | 36        | 136.27    |
        |          | gallons | liters       |
        | (oil)    | 42        | 158.98    |
        |          | gallons | liters       |
        U.S. Customary System: Volume or Capacity (Dry Measure)
        | pint     | 1/2        | 0.5506 |
        |           | quart     | liter      |
        | quart   | 2 pints  | 1.1012  |
        |           |             | liters    |
        | peck   | 8          | 8.8098 |
        |           | quarts   | liters    |
        |           | or 1/4    |            |
        |           | bushel   |            |
        | bucket | 2 pecks | 17.620 |
        |           |             | liters    |
        | bushel | 2          | 35.239 |
        |           | buckets | liters    |
        |           | or 4       |            |
        |           | pecks   |            |
        U.S. Customary System: Weight
        | grain   | 1/7000  | 64.799     |
        |           | pound  | milligrams |
        | dram   | 1/16     | 1.7718      |
        |           | ounce  | grams       |
        | ounce | 16        | 28.350      |
        |           | drams  | grams      |
        | pound | 16        | 453.6       |
        |           | ounces | grams      |
        | ton     | 2,000   | 907.18      |
        | (short) | pounds | kilograms  |
        | ton     | 2,240   | 1,016.0     |
        | (long)  | pounds | kilograms  |
        U.S. Customary System: Geographic Area
        | acre | 4,840  | 4,047   |
        |        | square | square  |
        |        | yards  | meters  |
        Cooking Measures
        | drop          | 1/76            | 0.0649    |
        |                 | teaspoon     | milliliter   |
        | teaspoon   | 76 drops or  | 4.9288    |
        |                 | 1/3              | milliliters |
        |                 | tablespoon  |               |
        | tablespoon | 3                | 14.786    |
        |                 | teaspoons   | milliliters |
        | cup           | 16               | 0.2366    |
        |                 | tablespoons | liter         |
        |                 | or 1/2 pint    |               |
        | pint           | 2 cups        | 0.4732    |
        | quart         | 4 cups or 2  | 0.9463    |
        |                 | pints           |               |
        British Imperial System: Volume or Capacity (Liquid Measure)
        | pint    | 1/2     | 1.201   | 0.5683 |
        |          | quart  | pints    | liter     |
        | quart  | 2        | 1.201   | 1.137   |
        |          | pints   | quarts  | liters    |
        |          | or 1/4  |           |            |
        |          | gallon |            |            |
        | gallon | 8        | 1.201   | 4.546   |
        |          | pints   | gallons | liters    |
        |          | or 4    |            |            |
        |          | quarts |            |            |
        British Imperial System: Volume or Capacity (Dry Measure)
        | peck   | 1/4      | 1.0314  | 9.087   |
        |           | bushel | pecks   | liters    |
        | bushel | 4        | 1.0320  | 36.369  |
        |           | pecks  | bushels | liters    |
        Apothecary Weights
        | grain  | 160      | equal to     | 64.799      |
        |          | dram    | the U.S.    | milligrams |
        |          | or        | Customary |                |
        |          | 1/5760  | grain         |                |
        |          | pound  |                  |                |
        | dram  | 60        | 2.1943       | 3.8879      |
        |          | grains  | drams        | grams      |
        |          | or 1/8   |                 |                |
        |          | ounce  |                  |                |
        | ounce | 8         | 1.0971       | 31.1035    |
        |          | drams  | ounces      | grams      |
        | pound | 12        | 0.8232       | 373.242    |
        |          | ounces | pound        | grams      |
        |          | or 96    |                 |                |
        |          | drams  |                 |                |
         Units of the International System
         The International System abbreviated SI, for Systeme International, the French name for the system) was adopted in 1960 by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures. An expanded and modified version of the metric system, International System addresses the needs of modern science for additional and more accurate units of measurement. The key features of the International System are decimalization, a system of prefixes, and a standard defined in terms of an invariable physical measure.  
        Base Units
        The International System has base units from which all others in the system are derived. The standards for the base units, except for the kilogram, are defined by unchanging and reproducible physical occurences. For example, the meter is defined as the distance traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second. The standard for the kilogram is a platinum-iridium cylinder kept at the International Bureau of Weights and Standards in Sèvres, France.
        | meter     | length         | m    |
        | kilogram | mass          | kg   |
        | second  | time            | s     |
        | ampere  | electric       | A    |
        |              | current        |        |
        | kelvin    | temperature | K    |
        | mole      | amount of   | mol  |
        |              | matter         |        |
        | candela  | luminous     | cd   |
        |              | intensity      |        |
        Supplementary Units
        The International System uses two supplementary units that are based on abstract geometrical concepts rather than physical standards.
        | radian     | plane  | rad |
        |               | angles |      |
        | steradian | solid   | sr   |
        |               | angles |      |
        A multiple of a unit in the International System is formed by adding a prefix to the name of that unit. The prefixes change the magnitude of the unit by orders of ten from 1018 to 10-18 .
        | exa-    | E  | 1018 =                                |
        |           |     | 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 |
        | peta-   | P  | 1015 =                                |
        |           |     | 1,000,000,000,000,000       |
        | tera-   | T  | 1012 = 1,000,000,000,000    |
        | giga-   | G  | 109 = 1,000,000,000           |
        | mega- | M  | 106 = 1,000,000                 |
        | kilo-    | K  | 103 = 1,000                        |
        | hecto- | h  | 102 = 1000                         |
        | deca-  | da | 10 = 10                             |
        | deci-   | d  | 10-1 = 0.1                           |
        | centi-  | c  | 10-2 = 0.01                         |
        | milli-   | m  | 10-3 = 0.001                      |
        | micro- | μ  | 10-6 = 0.000,001                 |
        | nano-  | n  | 10-9 = 0.000,000,001           |
        | pico-   | p  | 10-12 = 0.000,000,000,001   |
        | femto- | f   | 10-15 =                               |
        |           |     | 0.000,000,000,000,001       |
        | atto-   | a  | 10-18 =                               |
        |           |     | 0.000,000,000,000,000,001 |
        Additional Units
        Listed below are a few of the non-SI units that are commonly used with the International System.
        | angstrom    | length    | Å    |
        | (= 10-10m)   |              |        |
        | electron-     | energy   | eV   |
        | volt (=        |              |        |
        | 0.160 aJ)    |              |        |
        | hectare (=   | land       | ha   |
        | 10,000 m2 | area       |        |
        | liter (=        | volume   | l      |
        | 1.0dm3)      | or          |        |
        |                   | capacity |        |
        | standard     | pressure | atm |
        | atmosphere |              |        |
        | (= 101.3      |              |        |
        | kPa)           |              |        |
        Derived Units
        Most of the units in the International System are derived units, that is units defined in terms of base units and supplementary units. Derived units can be divided into two groups—those that have a special name and symbol, and those that do not.
        | acceleration | m/s2   |
        | angular        | rad/s2 |
        | acceleration |          |
        | angular        | rad/s  |
        | velocity       |          |
        | density        | kg/m3 |
        | electric field | V/m   |
        | strength      |          |
        | luminance   | cd/m2 |
        | magnetic     | A/m   |
        | field            |          |
        | strength      |          |
        | velocity       | m/s    |
        | coulomb | electric        | C   | A·s        |
        |              | charge        |      |              |
        | farad      | electric        | F   | A·s/V     |
        |              | capacitance |      |              |
        | henry     | inductance  | H   | V·s/A     |
        | hertz      | frequency    | Hz  | cycles/s |
        | joule      | quantity of   | J    | N·m       |
        |              | energy        |      |              |
        | lumen    | flux of light  | lm  | cd·sr      |
        | lux         | illumination  | lx   | lm/m2    |
        | newton   | force           | N   | kg·m/s2  |
        | ohm       | electric        | Ω   | V/A       |
        |              | resistance   |      |              |
        | pascal   | pressure      | Pa  | N/m2     |
        | tesla      | magnetic     | T   | Wb/m2   |
        |              | flux density  |      |              |
        | volt        | voltage        | V   | W/A       |
        | watt       | power          | W  | J/s         |
        | weber    | magnetic     | Wb | V·s        |
        |              | flux             |      |              |

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